Be Careful Of Copyright

In a recent post over at Future Social by Jack Appleby, he brings up a valid point, using a meme in your marketing where you didn’t purchase the rights to the image is copyright infringement.

Be Careful Of Copyright

In a recent post over at Future Social by Jack Appleby, he brings up a valid point, using a meme in your marketing where you didn’t purchase the rights to the image is copyright infringement.

Granted most meme usage, as Jack points out, won’t get you in trouble, but larger brands should be wary and do their best to license the images they use to meme-out on.

So memes are just one type of item online that could get you into hot water with copyright. AI is another.

These AI models are trained on something. Just tread lightly when using them. I always attribute the picture/image/graphic to the AI tool that generated it. I often include the prompt as well. It’s good for alt text, so that’s a plus.

Take it from someone who has gotten copyright infringement notices. It’s not fun paying fines when all you had to do in the first place was buy a license.

What do you think? Hit reply and let me know your thoughts!

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