Startups Are Not For Everyone

Startups are risky and often fail, but can be a blast to be a part of.

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Startups are hard. They often crash a burn. If they do succeed, they don’t forever. When you do get a unicorn it’s like winning the lottery.

Rand Fishkin the former “Wizard of Moz” and the current “Wizard of Sparktoro” published a blog post about his last few year at Moz and what really happened (from his POV) when he was pushed out of the company he started 17 years prior.

It shows how much he learned from his experience as well as the broken friendships, betrayal, the nightmares, the fear. It’s a must read for everyone who want’s to do a startup or is in a startup. Honestly it’s an important read for everyone in business.

I’ve been part of a few startups. All, other than the current one, have failed and fizzled. That’s not to say we didn’t try. The market wasn’t right, it was the wrong time, so many different factors.

The current startup, where I’m and advisor and interim marketing lead, Public Assembly, is promising. To be honest, I wouldn’t be working on it if it wasn’t. And even this one has a 1 in a 1000 chance of making it.

So why do people do startups?

Honestly, many reasons.

For one, it’s fun to make something from nothing or near nothing. It’s rewarding to try and get that idea out of your head and funded. There are so many reasons. And you don’t have to pick just one.

But remember one thing, and this is a cliche, be willing to FAIL FAST.

What do you think? Leave me a comment or hit reply.

A special Halloween Newsletter! I hope this one finds you on your porch giving out candy to the neighborhood kids.

We’ll be back to Wednesdays next week!

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Find Of The Week

NoozCraft is a new AI writing tool for creating newletters fast with help from AI. Not exactly novel but a neat tool none the less. It takes your writing that you pipe into it to learn your writing tone and style. It looks like it does a decent job too. Check it out here.

Until Next Week!

Always stay curious!

– Seth